I finished my second book already this year (10 more to go!). This was Captain Pantaleon and the Secret Service by Mario Vargas Llosa. Llosa is a Nobel laureate from Peru. It was a short book, and difficult to follow because it’s translated from Spanish. I enjoyed it enough that I finished it regardless of the difficulty.
Also, I’ve completed 2 – 10 mile rides in the past few weeks. That’s good, it still takes me a day off afterwards for my muscles to get better, but it’s good!
I’ve also been working on my Spanish lessons. Gaby made me a verb conjugation wheel and I’ve been using Mango languages. Spanish is really hard!
Still haven’t even started on the yoga thing yet. But I have to pace myself!
keep riding the bike and it will get easier – as for yoga that is something to work into and use to help relax the mind and body…keep it up. Learning a new language is fun, at least you will know what people are saying instead of looking dumbfounded.