So 2021 is over and here’s how I finished the year.
Goal #1 – Financial – This year we wanted to increase our Net Worth by 10% and with the market being as friendly as it has been (even with the doldrums at the end of the year), we’re up a CRAZY 39.7% for the year! Utterly crazy and I’m super glad it happened.
Goal #1 – Exceeded!
Goal #2 – Health – I have lost a little bit of weight, but my pants are looser and my belts are way too big. But I was able to smash my desired biking record of 50 miles. I finished in October with a 76.1 mile bike ride with my biking buddy. I feel somewhat healthier. Or, at least I did before the holidays!
Goal #2 – Exceeded!
Goal #3 – Yoga – I didn’t even come close to this. It was a tough goal to do something daily like that. I am going to change this goal for 2022.
Goal #3 – Failed!
Goal #4 – Reading – I only got 9 of my 10 books read this year. The final 2 books were “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams and “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” by Neil Gaiman. I like this goal and I am going keep it for 2022 also, and try to incorporate some audio books to make working out less boring.

Goal #4 – 90% Completed = Failed
Goal #5 – Spanish – This didn’t do so good. I need to really adjust my position on how this should be done. I want to keep this goal for 2022, but I have to re-configure it to be something doable.
Goal #5 – Failed Specatacularly
That’s the end of 2021 for me! I’ll post my 2022 goals soon! Just have to work them out. The goals I succeeded on were great, and I got close on another one. Just got to keep trucking!
Just keep working on your goals and you will do great…..try doing a module per day on your Spanish and you will make it…. you know you can do it.
Adding to Goal #2, I know you also rode probably pushing 1000 miles on your bike during the course of your training, as well — although not the specific goal, that’s a pretty great achievement!