OK; so lets check in and see how we’re doing. Well, the past few weeks have been pretty crazy. My company got acquired and so I’ve been working tons of extra hours on the integration.. Don’t get me started! The end result is that I haven’t spent nearly enough time or effort on my goals for 2021. But I still have been pushing as much as I can. Lets tally and see where we are!
Goal #1 – Financial – We’ve both maxed out our IRA’s for the year, contributed to our various other retirement accounts, and we’ve invested into our taxable brokerage accounts. There’s been some ups and downs, but we have crushed this goal so far and continuing into it! We wanted to increase our Net Worth by 10% and with the market being as friendly as it has been, we’re actually already up 17% for the year!
Goal #1 – On Track!
Goal #2 – Health – I have actually gone down a pants size, which translates to about 2 inches. I haven’t lost much weight, but I have definitely put on some muscle mass. On the whole, this is going in the right direction. I just have to keep my cravings in check! Getting back into lifting weights has really helped with this, I can’t recommend the ease of the 5×5 exercise routine! On the bike front, I am still struggling to get my total biked miles where I want to be. I’m sure I can get to the 20 miles by the end of this month; I ride at least 8 miles each time I go out and usually 12. I’m pretty tired by the time I get home, but I can push farther. I’m hoping my biking buddy gets ready to go out again soon!
Goal #2 – On Track-ish!
Goal #3 – Yoga – Wow; haven’t even started.. Still. I have been super stressed lately and I’m hoping that I can take it up at lunch time during this week. I’ve set out my mat and queued up a laptop on my TV in the other room so I’ll have room to start with just a 10 minute block. I hope to have a better report next month!
Goal #3 – Completely Derailed!
Goal #4 – Reading – I added another book and started my 8th. I don’t think I’ll finish this one and I’ll move onto another book. But the one I just finished was pretty good; it’s called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck!” by Mark Manson. I agree with quite a bit of what he says in the book; it’s really about learning to let things go and only care about the things that really matter to you. It was an easy read and one I’d recommend.

Goal #4 – Ahead of scheduled! 70% Completed!
Goal #5 – Spanish – Wow, I’ve completely dropped the ball on this one. I have a reason for it; but that’s not to excuse my lack. Unfortunately with work the way it is, I usually end the day completely fried and unable to concentrate. To that end, I will be restarting my Spanish back to remedial levels and work on the things like conjugation (which I find very difficult) instead of increasing my vocabulary.
Goal #5 – In free-fall
So there it is. One more month behind us; 1/3rd of the year done and I’m doing… OK. I haven’t lost sight of my goals, nor have I lost track of them. I have a ways to go to get things back on track. I think I will plan on doing my first 20 mile ride this coming week. Since the owners of the company are based in Pacific Time, I have a few more hours in the morning to get things done.
I hope your biking buddy is ready to go out again soon, too!
as long as you keep trying you guys will stay on the right track….