So, what has happened since my last update? Not as much as I’d hope, but I made good progress on my goals for this year. Lets go through the goals one by one.
Goal #1: Health – This hasn’t been as good as I’d like; but remember that my goal was to lose inches, not really pounds. Muscle, being more dense than fat, has helped. I’m down a little, but not really much to write home about. The good news is that the gym, we go to has reopened and we’re starting to go twice a week to ease back into it.
Goal #1 – On Track!
Goal #2: Bike 50 miles by Thanksgiving. This is also fairly slow going as the weather has been a little finicky. The good news is that I am back up to 12-15 miles without hurting bad the next day. I’m supposed to be up to 20 by May, so I’m definitely heading in the right direction!
Goal #2 – On Track!
Goal #3: Yoga. I haven’t even started. I have no excuses other than laziness for this.
Goal #3 – Derailed!
Goal #4: Reading. By the end of February, I had already read 3 of my required 10 books. In March, I tried to spend a lot of time reading and I read an entire series by an author named Micheal R. Hicks called “In Her Name.” It’s a Sci-Fi/Fantasy series that was absolutely fantastic. There are (currently) 9 books in the series and I read them all! The books are shorter, so instead of counting this as 9 additional books, I’ll count the 3 mini-series in the whole as 1 book each. The author’s website ( has the first book in each mini-series available for free. I highly recommend them if you’re into that sort of writing!

Goal #4 – 60% Completed!
Goal #5: Spanish. I have not been meeting my required 60 minutes per week. Some I go longer than 60 minutes and some shorter. I am getting back into the habit, however and going to ensure that I keep it up.
Goal #5 – Slightly Off Track!
There we have it; at the end of the first quarter of 2021, I’m doing pretty good. Most of my goals are on track and the others I’m building solid plans to get them on track.
does your gym have a beginners yoga class (or even a yin class)? i would highly recommend that. getting yoga poses just right, while trying to do this at home/on your own is a real beast. perhaps it will be easier to get started and stick to it if you do a professional class or two first? side note: some yoga studios will offer a free intro class, so you might want to try one of those?
They do, but it’s at the least convenient times possible. I will check the new yoga studio that just opened near us, though, that’s a good idea!