Jay’s Update – March Edition

So, what has happened since my last update? Not as much as I’d hope, but I made good progress on my goals for this year. Lets go through the goals one by one. Goal #1: Health – This hasn’t been as good as I’d like; but remember that my goal was to lose inches, not really pounds. Muscle, being more dense than fat, has helped. I’m down a little, but not really much to write home about. The good news is that the gym, we go to has reopened and we’re starting to go twice a week to ease back into it. Goal #1 – On Track! Goal #2: Bike…

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Jay’s Goals 2021 Update

Well the last week was pretty interesting. I wasn’t able to ride my bike because of SNOWpocalypse HOU. We spend most of the week with no power or water. I did read another book: The Power of Noticing by Max Bazerman. Interesting book about looking outside of your normal channels to see things that other people miss.

Also, I haven’t even started to do the yoga yet. It’s been a little stressful and I could probably use it a great deal. It’s on my list, though.

As far as Spanish language, I am working on it. It’s very challenging, but I’m working through it. Study languages when you’re younger, it’s WAY easier, kids!

Gaby’s Goals 2021 Update 1!

It’s been over a month since we started the New Year and I have tried my best to keep up with my “commitments”. It has not been easy. My health goal was to lose 25lbs by the end of the year through healthier eating and exercise and I am happy to report that I have been going out for walks almost everyday. Jay has been a great support, since work has been a lot lately and I am always super tired at the end of the day. Jay helps me push through and go for the walk, he even comes with me. I usually agree to a “short” walk, but…

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The updates keep coming! Jays Update 2

I finished my second book already this year (10 more to go!). This was Captain Pantaleon and the Secret Service by Mario Vargas Llosa. Llosa is a Nobel laureate from Peru. It was a short book, and difficult to follow because it’s translated from Spanish. I enjoyed it enough that I finished it regardless of the difficulty. Also, I’ve completed 2 – 10 mile rides in the past few weeks. That’s good, it still takes me a day off afterwards for my muscles to get better, but it’s good! I’ve also been working on my Spanish lessons. Gaby made me a verb conjugation wheel and I’ve been using Mango languages….

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Jay’s Goals 2021 Update 1!

So we’re almost 3 full weeks into the new year and how am I doing with my goals? Financial – We’re saving in our pre-tax accounts and have made our first investments of 2021! Just a lot more to go. Health – I haven’t lost any weight, but I haven’t gained any either. So that’s a good thing. As far as riding, it’s been too cold to ride as much as I’d like; but I can do 6-7 miles without any issue. That’s definite improvement from before when I could barely do 6 before my bum started to hurt. I also haven’t started yoga, but Gaby and I will be…

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Travel in the time of Pandemic

Viaje en los tiempos del CoronavirusDo you want to see what it’s like to travel during a pandemic? Come with us as we take our first trip since COVID-19 shut down our lives!Join us to see how everything looks for travel now!

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